- 6/7/2017 1:27:40 AM
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- What are Adwords Ad Policies
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What are Adwords Ad Policies
Google has designed Adwords Ad policies for people to have a good experience who are viewing their ads. All ads has to go though an approval phase to make sure the Ads are safe and appropriate. Everytime a new Ad is created or changed, it first becomes Eligible. Then it is submitted for review to ensure it follows advertising policies. Ads that violate these policies will be marked as Disapproved or Suspended, and will not be able to run while in that status.
Ad Disapproval: Failure to follow the Adwords Ad policies will result in Ad disapproval. It won’t run until the policy violation is fixed and the ad is approved.
Ad Suspension: A serious policy violation may suspend your Ad. If this happens, all the ads running under that account will stop running.
Content Policy: What you can not promote
- . Adult Oriented Content
- . Gambling-Related Content
- . Google AdWords prohibits the sale or promotion for sale of . counterfeit goods.
- . Product/Services that enable dishonest behavior
- . Alcoholic Beverages can not be promoted on Adwords
- . Do not promote HealthCare-Related Content such as unapproved . substances
- . Disallow restricted trademark ads
- . Misrepresentation of self, product, or service
- Copyrighted Content
- Unauthorized sites or software that capture, copy, or provide access to copyrighted content
- Sites or apps that facilitate unauthorized offline distribution of copyrighted content
- Political Content
- Don’t Promote products or services on Adwords that cause damage, harm, or injury
- Offensive or inappropriate content
Link Policy:
- When the user reaches the landing page, the back button should be working to take him back to the Google SERP
- There should be no Pop-up windows on Landing Page
- Do not direct users to websites that are down or under construction
- Unsecured Checkout Pages
- Display URL should be accurate